Friday, April 14, 2017

EDpuzzle- 3rd Grade Science


Science 3rd Grade Standard 1: Students will understand that the shape of Earth and the moon are spherical and that Earth rotates on its axis to produce the appearance of the sun and moon moving through the sky. 

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used EDpuzzle to teach about Science. I focused on the phases of the moon, and found a cute video that teaches about them. I also added a few questions throughout the video to help the students reflect on and remember what they are learning about the moon. EDpuzzle is a great teaching tool because it is very interactive and fun to watch. I think that students will really enjoy watching these videos and learning from them. I like EDpuzzle because it has so many videos on different topics, and we can use the videos and add questions and our own thoughts. It took me a little while to understand how to use EDpuzzle, but other than that I really enjoy this tool and will be using it in my classroom.

Students, here is an EDpuzzle about the phases of the moon. I want you to watch this video and answer all of the questions. Do your best when you answer the questions, I just want to see what you know about the phases of the moon. We will be learning more in depth about the phases of the moon for the rest of this unit, and we will doing projects so this video will be a great resource to you.

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