Sunday, April 16, 2017

Thinglink- 3rd Grade Health Education

Health Education 3rd Grade Standard 6: The students will understand how a healthy diet and exercise can increase the likelihood of physical and mental wellness.

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used thinglink to teach about Health Education. I focused on teaching about a well balanced diet and I used the food pyramid to teach it. I explained each food group of the food pyramid and how many servings that is recommended for a balanced diet. I think thinglink is a great tool because it allows you to use a single image and to be able to add videos, pictures and explanations of the image on any part of the image that you want. I think it is very interactive for students because they can hover over each tag on the image and read the text or watch the video that has been added. Thinglink was very easy for me to use and I didn't have any troubles with it. I will definitely be using this tool in my classroom.

Students, as we are learning about healthy diet and exercise this week I have added a picture of the food pyramid and created a thinglink. Hover your mouse over each white circle on this picture and read the explanation of each part of the food pyramid. Starting tonight keep a diary of your food intake. We will be keeping track of food intake for the rest of this week. We will be talking more about a balanced diet tomorrow in class.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Padlet- 3rd Grade Health Education

Health Education 3rd Grade Standard 1: The students will learn ways to improve mental health and manage stress.
Objective 2: Recognize why acceptance of self and others is important for the development of positive attitudes.

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used Padlet to teach about Health Education. I focused on qualities and explained what they are. I made a picture with a list of qualities and asked the students to list some unique qualities that they possess and to write how they can use those qualities to help others. Padlet is a really fun and easy tool to start a discussion with students and to get their input. I like it because I can ask them a question and they can all give an answer, and they can even add media with their answers. It took me a little while to figure out how to post a picture on Padlet, but overall I really enjoy this tool and will be using it in my classroom.

Students, please click the link above and it will direct you to my Padlet. Please answer the question and post your answer. I want you to be able to recognize the qualities that you have, and we will be talking more about them in class and how we can use them in our lives.

Friday, April 14, 2017

EDpuzzle- 3rd Grade Science


Science 3rd Grade Standard 1: Students will understand that the shape of Earth and the moon are spherical and that Earth rotates on its axis to produce the appearance of the sun and moon moving through the sky. 

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used EDpuzzle to teach about Science. I focused on the phases of the moon, and found a cute video that teaches about them. I also added a few questions throughout the video to help the students reflect on and remember what they are learning about the moon. EDpuzzle is a great teaching tool because it is very interactive and fun to watch. I think that students will really enjoy watching these videos and learning from them. I like EDpuzzle because it has so many videos on different topics, and we can use the videos and add questions and our own thoughts. It took me a little while to understand how to use EDpuzzle, but other than that I really enjoy this tool and will be using it in my classroom.

Students, here is an EDpuzzle about the phases of the moon. I want you to watch this video and answer all of the questions. Do your best when you answer the questions, I just want to see what you know about the phases of the moon. We will be learning more in depth about the phases of the moon for the rest of this unit, and we will doing projects so this video will be a great resource to you.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

eMaze- 2nd Grade English Language Arts


Powered by emaze

English Language Arts 2nd Grade, Language Standard 1:  Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used eMaze to teach 2nd grade English Language Arts. I focused on the eight Parts of Speech, and explained what they are. I think eMaze is such a great tool to help you to be creative while teaching a concept. It also draws a lot of attention so I think that students will really enjoy looking at these presentations and learning from them. I also liked it because there were many different templates to choose from and they each presented information in different ways. I don't have anything negative to say about this, I really like this tool and will be using it in my classroom.

Students, this eMaze presentation is about the the Parts of Speech. It is very important that you know and understand each of the Parts of Speech. Read through this presentation a couple of times and on a piece of paper write down a sentence for each different Part of Speech, so you will have eight sentences total. Bring this to class with you tomorrow because you will be turning it in, and we will be talking more about the Parts of Speech.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Storybird- 1st Grade English Language Arts


English Language Arts 1st Grade, Reading: Literature Standard 4:  Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used Storybird to teach 1st grade English Language Arts. I focused on the five senses and taught what they are, and uses poems related to the senses for the kids to be able to recognized how they use the senses in their lives. I think Storybird is such a cute way to teach, and I love that I am able to create a story from pictures that other people have created. I think that this would be great for students as they are able to see pictures while they are reading. Some of the cons that I experienced are that I can't change the font or the size of the words, and I can't really choose where to place the words. But overall I really enjoyed this tool and hope to use it in my own classroom.

Students, here is my Storybird about the five senses. Familiarize yourself with the five senses and observe as you use these five senses for the rest of the day today. Tomorrow in class we will be talking about what you have learned.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mind Mapping- 3rd Grade English Language Arts


English Language Arts 3rd Grade, Reading: Informational Text Standard #7: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g. maps photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used Mind Mapping to teach about English Language Arts. I focused on the who, what, when, where, and why of the expedition of Lewis and Clark. I mapped each out and talked about each subject as it pertains to the expedition of Lewis and Clark. I think that Mind Mapping is a fairly easy tool to use. I like it because there are many things that you could teach by using this tool, and it expands each topic. I think it would be fun for students to learn with this as it shows information that is related to each other. 

Students, please click on the link and read through the Mind Map. Familiarize yourself with the story about Lewis and Clark and write down on a piece of paper in your own words the who, what, when, where, and why about the expedition of Lewis and Clark. Bring this paper to class tomorrow and hand it in. We will be talking more about Lewis and Clark and will be watching a video about them in class.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Prezi- 3rd Grade Science


Science 3rd Grade, Standard #3: Students will understand the relationship between the force applied to an object and resulting motion of the object. 

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used Prezi to teach about Science. I focused on the definition of force, and gave examples of force such as pushing, pulling, force of wind, and force of water. I like Prezi because it allows you to give little bits of information in a fun way by going from node to node. I think that this is something that will really engage students and catch their attention. It was a little difficult for me because the pathway arrows were going in different places and it was kind of hard for me to get them where I wanted them to go. Prezi is a great tool to teach with and I will be using this in my classroom.

Students, please click present to watch the Prezi. Watch it and gather as much information about force as you can. Tonight write down 15 things that you used force on today whether it was pushing or pulling, and bring your paper with you to class tomorrow as we will be discussing them. 

Vidcast- Math 3rd Grade

Geometry 3rd Grade, Standard #3.1: Understand that shapes in different categories (for example, rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (for example, having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (for example quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories. 

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 

I used Vidcast to teach about Geometry. I focused on quadrilaterals, taught about the four main quadrilaterals and gave examples of them. Vidcast is a great tool to use because you can add your own information, and you can record your voice and teach, and it also has a marker that you can use. I think that it is a fun way for students to learn as well because they aren't just watching a video of a teacher giving them a lecture. A few of the con's that I experienced is that when you add photos, you can't resize them, and if you mess up when recording your voice, you can't go back and fix it unless you want to start the whole video from scratch. But all in all I really enjoyed making a Vidcast video and will be using this in my classroom.

Students, here is a link to the Vidcast I created to teach you about quadrilaterals. Watch this video and familiarize yourself with the names of the quadrilaterals and the terms we use to describe them. We will be going more in depth learning about them this week, and it is important that you know them.

Tiki-Toki: 4th Grade Social Studies


Click here for the history of Utah

Social Studies Standard 2: Students will understand how Utah's history has been shaped by many diverse people, events, and ideas.

Education Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

I used Tiki-Toki to teach about the history of Utah. I included information about how the territory of Utah was first discovered, how it became in possession of Mexico, and how the United States gained possession of the territory after the war. I also included information of the establishment of major landmarks in Utah. I thought that Tiki-Toki was kind of hard to use at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was fairly easy to use. I think that this is a great way to teach students the timeline of events because it allows you to put pictures, information, and links for more information about certain events.

Students, please look through this timeline tonight as we will start discussing the history of Utah in class tomorrow. We will be doing a project about the history of Utah so you will want to come back and look at this timeline for reference as it will provide you with the information that you will need.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Animoto- 3rd Grade Physical Education


Here are a few videos teaching about the health-related fitness components of cardiovascular fitness, a general a list of fitness-related activities, the balance of good nutrition and physical activity, and the importance of hydration during physical activity.

Physical Education Standard #3:
- Standard 3.3.6: Demonstrate, with teacher direction, the health-related fitness components of cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. (Body composition should not be assessed at this grade level and is not recommended.
- Standard 3.3.7: Generate a list of fitness-related activities in which students participates outside of school hours
- Standard 3.3.8: Compare the balance of good nutrition and physical activity.
- Standard 3.3.9: Understand the importance of hydration during physical activity.

Education Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

I used Animoto to teach about physical education. It was fun to create slides and put them all together to create a video that teaches a certain topic. I included information about the health-related fitness components of cardiovascular fitness, a general a list of fitness-related activities, the balance of good nutrition and physical activity, and the importance of hydration during physical activity. Short informative videos are a great way to prepare students for the lesson, and they also can go back and watch these videos for a reference. I like that I can put information that I want to provide in these videos. Some of the cons that I experienced was that I had to adjust the pictures because in some video formats it cut off some of the pictures, also it doesn't give me very much word room on the slides.

Students, we will watch these videos periodically as we go through our physical education unit. I ask that you watch these videos at home as well and implement them as you do physical exercise outside of class. Tomorrow we will start tracking daily physical exercise and water intake, and at the end of the unit you will turn those in and we will discuss your experience!

Google Docs- 3rd Grade Math


Math Strand 3.6: Reason with shapes and their attribute.

Education Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. multimedia authoring presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

I used Google Docs to create an assignment about geometric shapes. This assignment is designed to help students reflect on what they have learned. I included questions about the attributes of shapes, and included shapes for students to name them. Google Docs is such an easy way to create assignments, worksheets, or quizzes. It is fairly easy for a student to access it and print it out, or fill it out online.

Students, here is the homework worksheet for tonight. It has to do with geometric shapes, which we learned about today in class. Please print and fill out these worksheets, and bring them to class tomorrow. Just do your best and fill them out to the best of your memory, we will be going over the answers in class.

Newsletter- 3rd Grade Science


You can read the Newsletter here

Science Standard 4: Students will understand that objects near Earth are pulled toward Earth by gravity.

Education Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. multimedia, authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

I created a Newsletter for the month of March for both students and parents to read. In the Newsletter I talked about the topic we are learning about in class which is gravity. I gave some fun facts about gravity and provided some websites where the students can play educational games and gravity, and I gave information about important dates in March. I had a lot of fun creating the Newsletter because it allowed me to be creative and display a lot of information in an organized way. I think that this will be a great tool in the classroom because it conveys a lot of information to the students and parents in a fun way to read.

Students, here is the Newsletter for March. Take time to read it and to do the activities to help you better understand the content we are learning about in class. Also, don't forget to go over the spelling words at home each week!

Flyer- 3rd Grade Fine Arts

You can read the digital copy of the flyer here

Fine Arts Strand Perform (3.M.P): Students will analyze, interpret, refine, and select artistic work for presentation. They will convey meaning in the manner in which the art is presented.

Educational Technology Standard #5: Use technology tools (e.g. Multimedia authorizing, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

I used the flyer for an announcement of a 3rd Grade talent show, I focused on fine arts. I included where and when the event will take place, and gave specific detail about how the students can participate. The flyer was super fun to create, and it was pretty easy. Flyers are a fun way to give information to students and parents, and can be digital and hard copy. I will definitely be using flyers in my classroom.

Students, this is a great way to show your talents, and to learn about the talents of other students your age. This is not required, but it would be a good experience for you to chose a talent and perform by yourself, or work together as a group and combine talents. For those of you who chose to participate, I will be handing out submission forms tomorrow. Be creative and have fun!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Brochure- Health Education 3rd Grade


Health Education 3rd Grade, Standard #1: The students will learn ways to improve mental health and manage stress.

Education Technology #8: Select and use appropriate tools (e.g., educational software, and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and solve problems.

I used the brochure to teach about Health Education. I focused on Stress Management and provided ideas for students to recognize and manage stress. The Brochure is a fun way and different way to teach a concept adding pictures and information, and it captures students' attention. Some of the cons that I experienced was it was a little hard to maneuver pictures and text into the place that I wanted it to go.

Students, this brochure is also a resource to you to help you recognize when you are feeling stressed, and what you can do to manage stress. Feel free to come back to this post when you are feeling stressed. Read through this brochure and write down on a piece of paper some ways you have felt stressed, what you have done to manage your stress, and how it worked for you. We will discuss your answers at the end of the unit.

3rd Grade Science- Pinterest


Click here to go to my pin board!

Science 3rd Grade, Standard #1: Students will understand that the shape of Earth and the moon are spherical and that Earth rotates on its axis to produce the appearance of the sun and moon moving through the sky.

Educational Technology #4: Use content-specific tools, software and simulations (e.g., environmental probes, graphing calculators, exploratory environments, Web tools) to support learning and research.

I used Pinterest to teach about Science. I mainly focused on the sun, moon, and the Earth and their characteristics, and what they do. I pinned a few videos and pictures that teach about this topic, and I also pinned some activities that the students can do to expand their understanding. Pinterest  is a great tool to provide different ways of teaching concepts, and organizing pins on different boards. It is a great way to learn how other teachers teach concepts, and to expand creativity. It's a fun way for students to go to many resources to learn more about a topic. I will be using this in my classroom for students, and I will be using ideas from Pinterest.

Students, here is a link to my Pinterest board containing many different pins about the sun, moon, and the Earth. These pins are links to pictures, videos, and fun activities related to what we are learning about. Visit my Pinterest board and explore these pins. Each day, write a sentence about what you learned, and you will turn in this paper on Wednesday. This will help you be prepared for class each day as we will be learning about the sun, moon, and the Earth for the next three days.

Answer Garden- Education Technology 3rd Grade


Question 1 
Question 3

Education Technology, Keyboarding, Standard #2: The student will use correct fingering while keying the introduced keys.

Education Technology Standard Standard #5: Apply productivity/multimedia tools and peripherals (e.g., computer, keyboard) to support personal productivity, group collaboration, and learning throughout the curriculum.

I used AnswerGarden to help teach about Education Technology. I provided 3 different questions about they keyboard for students to answer so I can gauge what the class understands. This is a great tool for students to give short answers, and to see the answers collectively, it is also great way to see what the majority of the students know, and to discern what needs to be reviewed. This tool is also fun for students to think quickly and to put in their answer before the time runs out.

Students, I have provided three different questions about correct usage of keys on the keyboard. As a class we will go through all 3 of these questions together and answer them. Click on the first link and answer the question. Once every student has submitted their answer, we will discuss the answers. We will then go to the second link, answer it and discuss it, and then the third link. Try to answer the question as fast as you can, you will only have 1 minute for you to submit your answer.

Social Studies 3rd Grade- TodaysMeet


Here is the link for TodaysMeet

Social Studies Standard #1 Objective 3e: Make inferences about the positive and negative impacts of human-caused change to the physical environment.

Education Technology #7: Using telecommunications and collaborative tools (e.g., email, online discussions) to investigate curriculum-related problems, issues, and information, and to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

I used TodaysMeet to teach about Social Studies. I provided a couple thought-provoking questions about Ecosystems for the students to answer. TodaysMeet is a great way to collect answers from students, and for the students to see what each other has to say. This can help students think broadly as they give their answers, and to see from the point of view of other students. It also helps me as a teacher to gauge what the students know, and what we need to go over in class. TodaysMeet is super easy to use and is very effective.

Students, I have used "TodaysMeet" to  provided a couple of questions about Ecosystems. You will need to click on the link, create a "nickname", and answer the question. Think outside the box and make sure to read what other class mates have to say. Try not to give the same answer that other students have given. I will leave this question up this weekend, so please get your answer in by Sunday night as we will be discussing our answers in class on Monday.