Question 3
Education Technology, Keyboarding, Standard #2: The student will use correct fingering while keying the introduced keys.
Education Technology Standard Standard #5: Apply productivity/multimedia tools and peripherals (e.g., computer, keyboard) to support personal productivity, group collaboration, and learning throughout the curriculum.
I used AnswerGarden to help teach about Education Technology. I provided 3 different questions about they keyboard for students to answer so I can gauge what the class understands. This is a great tool for students to give short answers, and to see the answers collectively, it is also great way to see what the majority of the students know, and to discern what needs to be reviewed. This tool is also fun for students to think quickly and to put in their answer before the time runs out.
Students, I have provided three different questions about correct usage of keys on the keyboard. As a class we will go through all 3 of these questions together and answer them. Click on the first link and answer the question. Once every student has submitted their answer, we will discuss the answers. We will then go to the second link, answer it and discuss it, and then the third link. Try to answer the question as fast as you can, you will only have 1 minute for you to submit your answer.
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